
MoreSMS is for now a script the can be used to send SMS (Short Message Service) message from the commandline. It uses Telmore web SMS service, so you'll have to have an account with them.


Please note that this service actually costs money. This is not a loopwhole into Telmore's SMS gateway, the program does an actual login, and uses the (great) WebSMS service that Telmore provides. If you are not a customer with Telmore, you will be unable to uses these service.

Before Running

In the documentation directory you will find a sample moresmsrc file which will be you configuration file. This file should be located in your home-directoy as: ~/.moresms/rc, and since the file contains your password for your Telmore site, change the permissions to 600.


Sending SMS

Say for example I want to sent an SMS to my friend Henry, I'd write something like

        ./moresms Henry "Hey Henry, lunch later?"

This will perform a lookup for Henry in my moresmsrc file, and send an SMS to Henry's number.


I still need to implement a correct installation procedure for MoreSMS. For now, the moresms program needs to be located with the rest of the .py files.
